Teacher Education Institute
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Integrated Co-Teaching

The purpose of this course is to provide educators with a strong foundation for planning, implementing, and maintaining successful co-teaching programs. Because today’s classrooms include a student population with different learning styles, cultural differences, and educational needs, co-teaching has become a more common practice.

By developing a clear definition of co-teaching, examining critical components of co-teaching models, and evaluating current co-teaching programs, this course will explore both the conceptual and operational aspects of this approach to delivering instruction. Based on current research in the field of education, this course examines the most commonly accepted co-teaching practices between general and special education teachers on the elementary, middle, and high school levels.


Mercy University EDUT 527

The required text for this course is Co-Teaching that Works: Structures and Strategies for Maximizing Student Learning, Second Edition, by Anne M. Beninghof.

ISBN: ‎978-1119653325


Graduate participants earn 3 semester hours of graduate credit and will receive a transcript from one of our partner institutions below. Professional development participants will receive a certificate of completion for 45 hours of professional developments credit for face-to-face classes and 60 hours of professional development credit for online classes.

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Course Schedule

  • 2/11/25 - 5/13/25
  • 4/8/25 - 7/8/25
  • 6/10/25 - 9/9/25
  • 8/12/25 - 11/11/25
  • 10/14/25 - 1/13/26
  • 12/9/25 - 3/10/26

Session/Module 1: Co-Teaching Defined


  1. Establish a Common Language and Working Definition for Co-teaching
  2. Recognize Other Commonly Accepted Terms for Co-teaching
  3. Read Research Support for Collaboration and Inclusion
  4. Compare and Contrast Co-teaching, Collaboration, Team Teaching, Cooperative Teaching and Inclusion
  5. Establish the Purpose and Goals for Co-teaching

Session/Module 2: Establishing a Rationale for Co-Teaching a it Relates to Research and Legislation


  1. Provide a Rationale Through Philosophy, Research and Recent Federal and State Legislation for Implementing Co-teaching
  2. Relate Co-teaching to Current Trends Toward Collaboration in Public Schools, Both in General Education and Special Education
  3. Examine the Effectiveness of Co-teaching for Teachers and Students

Session/Module 3: Developing Effective Partnerships


  1. Defining Roles of the General and Special Education Teachers
  2. Defining the Types of Services Special Education Teachers can Provide
  3. Identify Individual Prerequisites for Co-teaching
  4. Define the Professional Relationship Between Co-teachers
  5. Examine Guidelines to Achieve Parity in the Co-teaching Relationship
  6. Clarify the Roles of and Establish Guidelines for the Collaborative Relationship Between Co-teachers and Other School Related Professional Who Serve to Meet Students' IEP Mandated Goals. These Individuals May Include the Literacy Coach, ESL Instructor, Resource Teacher, Speech and Language Pathologist, and School Psychologist.
  7. Online Steps for Administrators to Support Co-teaching Practices

Session/Module 4: Essential Components of a Co-Teaching Relationship


  1. Identify the Eight Critical Components of the Co-teaching Relationship
  2. Implement Strategies for Effective Dialogue that will Improve and Enhance Co-teaching Relationships

Session/Module 5: Co-Teaching Modules


  1. Understand the Most Commonly Accepted Instructional Models Used in Co-Teaching Classrooms: One Teach, One Assist/Observe, One Teach, One Drift, Parallel Teaching, Station Teaching, Alternate Teaching, Team Teaching
  2. Identify How Each Model Provides a Format for Teachers to Modify Both Instruction and Student Work
  3. Identify the Categories of Student Disabilities
  4. Examine How Co-teaching Models Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities

Session/Module 6: Working with Support Personnel: The Paraprofessionals as Part of the Co-Teaching Team


  1. Establish Definitions for Paraprofessional, Teacher Aide and Teacher Assistant
  2. Identify Types of Paraprofessionals (i.e.- 1:1 Aide)
  3. Explain the Roles and Responsibilities of Paraprofessionals
  4. Identify the Legal Responsibilities of Paraprofessionals
  5. Explore Teacher Supervisory Responsibilities of Paraprofessionals

Session/Module 7: Response to Intervention (RtI)


  1. Define the Legal Requirements for Teachers Under IDEA
  2. Examine an Overview of RtI as an Evaluative Tool
  3. Compare and Contrast the Discrepancy Model and RtI
  4. Assess the Impact of RtI on General and Special Education Teachers
  5. Explore How RtI is Used in the Classroom
  6. Develop Assessment Tools and Early Intervention Strategies
  7. Provide a List of Research-based Programs

Session/Module 8: The Use of Differentiated Instruction in the Co-Teaching Classroom


  1. Identifying the Diverse Learners in Today's Classroom
  2. Identify the Critical Components of Differentiated Lessons
  3. Examine Various Pre-assessing Tools that Determine Student Readiness, Interest and Learning Style Preference
  4. Apply Bloom's Taxonomy to Differentiate Instruction Lessons
  5. Develop and Implement Effective Differentiated Instruction Lessons
  6. Evaluate Differentiated Instruction Lessons

Session/Module 9: Assessing Co-Teaching Programs


  1. Identify Factors that Contribute to the Effectiveness of Co-teaching Programs
  2. Identify Factors that Undermine the Effectiveness of Co-teaching Programs
  3. Evaluate Program Efficacy from Teacher, Student, Administrator and Parent surveys
  4. Develop Additional Strategies for Effectively Evaluating Programs
  5. Evaluate Differentiated Instruction Lessons

Session/Module 10: Making Co-Teaching Work: The Issue of Common Planning Time


  1. Examine a Variety of Ways Common Planning Time can be Scheduled
  2. Develop Collaborative Meeting Agendas, Planning Sheets, etc.
  3. Read Additional Resources that Support Co-teaching
  4. Complete Final Exam and Reflection
  5. Complete Course Evaluation
  • Establish a common language and working definition for co-teaching
  • Compare and contrast co-teaching, collaboration, team teaching, cooperative teaching and inclusion
  • Establish the purpose and goals for co-teaching
  • Provide a rationale through philosophy, research and recent federal and state legislation for implementing co-teaching
  • Assess the impact of district, state, and federal guidelines on co-teaching
  • Assess an educator using the Co-Teaching Rating Scale
  • Assess the roles of the general and special education teachers
  • Create a definition for the professional relationship between co-teachers
  • Address skills, strategies, and issues as professional development topics for co-teachers
  • Evaluate the eight critical components of the co-teaching relationship
  • Compare and contrast the most commonly accepted instructional models used in co-teaching classrooms
  • Evaluate how instructional module provide a format for teachers to modify both instruction and student work
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of paraprofessionals
  • Compare and contrast the Discrepancy Model and RtI
  • Assess how co-teachers can best utilize differentiated instruction in their inclusive classrooms
  • Evaluate differentiated instruction lessons
  • Evaluate program efficacy from teacher, student, administrator and parent surveys
  • Predict future implications for co-teaching
  • Create an action plan
Partner Universities

Our Partners are well-established regionally and nationally accredited colleges and universities, recognized for academic excellence and their commitment to teachers.

Important Information

Online 3-graduate credit courses are 13 weeks in length.

On-site weekend courses are held Friday evening from 6:00pm-9:00pm and Saturday/Sunday, 8:30am-5:30pm.

Weekday courses are Monday-Friday from 8:00am- 6:00pm.

It is the responsibility of the student to check with their state, county, district, or school to ensure that all requirements are being met by the course you're taking.  

Check the Partner Universities page for specific university information as well as course numbers which are specific to the university partner. 

Students are required to purchase their own textbook, the information for which can be found here. If no book is required it will be specified on the list. We have copies of many of the textbooks should you wish to purchase directly from TEI. 

Professional development (PD) participants receive a certificate of completion from TEI for 45 hours of PD credit for face to face classes and 60 hours of PD credit for online classes. These certificates are mailed within one week of the end of the class and reflect the course title, dates of attendance, and credit hour information. 

Student Academic Integrity
Participants guarantee that all academic class work is original. Any academic dishonesty or plagiarism (to take ideas, writings, etc. from another and offer them as one's own), is a violation of student academic behavior standards as outlined by our partnering colleges and universities and is subject to academic disciplinary action.