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Linguistically Diverse Students & Literacy

As the American population becomes more diverse, so does the average classroom. Many students enter school with a limited knowledge of English, which puts them in a difficult position. This course will provide educators with useful skills and strategies to ensure that these students are successful learners. This course utilizes research-based theories, techniques, and methods to assist educators in becoming facilitators of language and academic development in the K-12 classroom.


Carlow University ED 697 • Madonna University EDU 5830.37 • Mercy University EDUT 529

This course is cross listed with Mercy University course EDUC 648 - Dmsns of Lrng & Ltrcy.

The required text for this course is Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners: Insights from Linguistics, Third Edition, by Kristin Lems, Tenena M. Soro, Gareth Charles.





Graduate participants earn 3 semester hours of graduate credit and will receive a transcript from one of our partner institutions below. Professional development participants will receive a certificate of completion for 45 hours of professional developments credit for face-to-face classes and 60 hours of professional development credit for online classes.

Register Here

Course Schedule

  • 1/14/25 - 4/8/25
  • 3/11/25 - 6/10/25
  • 5/13/25 - 8/12/25
  • 7/8/25 - 10/14/25
  • 9/9/25 - 12/9/25
  • 11/11/25 - 2/10/26

Course Schedule


3/14-16 & 3/28-30

Maria Mavrogenis



Objective: In this beginning exercise, the instructor will confirm the accuracy of e-mail addresses for all students. The instructor will then send a welcome message to the class. The students have this first week to acquaint themselves with the format of the course, the textbook, and the methods of communication.


Module 1: Understanding Your English Language Learner


  • Explore life for English Language Learners in American schools
  • Understand the theories of language acquisition
  • Examine research based practices in ELL education

Module 2: A Differentiated Approach: Core Principles of Learning


  • Define Zone of Proximal Development as it applies to ESOL learners and instructional programs
  • Understand that academic language development requires planned English
    language support across the whole curriculum and throughout
    the school.
  • EL learners need the same access to intellectually challenging work
    as all other students.
  • A high-challenge classroom requires high levels of language support

Module 3: Classroom Talk


  • Understanding the key principles of second language acquisition
  • Creating opportunities for comprehensible input
  • Explore the dialogic approach
  • Examine message abundancy

Module 4: Collaborative Group Work and Second Language Learning


  • Examine how collaborative work allows student to work at higher cognitive and language levels
  • Design group work to allow opportunities for language development
  • Explore the principles of effective group work

Module 5: Going from Speaking to Writing in the Content Classroom


  • Define the difference between spoken and written language
  • Identify Literate Talk
  • Understand Academic Language
  • Explore teacher-guided reporting

Module 6: Learing to Write in a Second Language and Culture


  • Using culture to understand different genres in writing
  • Integrating subject and language teaching
  • Using constructive feedback for learners, teachers and parents.

Module 7:Reading in a Second Language and Culture


  • Understand the importance of setting the stage for the learning
  • Explore the interaction between the reader and the text
  • Explain the roles of an effective reader
  • Identify The importance of choosing appropriate student texts.

Module 8: Listening:An Active and Thinking Process


  • Understand how listening ability develops in both one-way and two-way contexts.
  • Examine how listening to unfamiliar subject-related language is more difficult than listening to everyday familiar information, especially in one-way listening.
  • Identify listening in different ways
  • Recognize just like it is possible to read in more than one way such as skimming and scanning, it is also possible to listen in different ways such as for overall gist or for specific information

Module 9:Technology for the English Language Learner


  • Identify the advantages of using technology in the classroom for ELLs
  • Recognize that many of our ELL learners will have varying experiences with technology
  • Evaluate various educational technologies to use in the ELL classroom
  • Explore the different types of technology available today


Module 10:Developing an Integrated Curriculum Learning Language, Learning Through Language and Learning About Language


  • Language is best learned through meaningful use in a variety of contexts, and the whole curriculum can be viewed as a resource for language development.
  • Recognize that an integrated curriculum takes into account both the language- learning needs of the learners and the key language that is required to learn subject content.
  • Explore that in an integrated unit, children will learn language, learn through language, and learn about language.
  • Recognize that a “language-rich diet” of ELL teaching benefits all students and supports all children in using new language in ways that are central to academic learning.


  • Identify and state the major premises surrounding ELL and the more recent terminology, ENL, literacy instruction
  • Select appropriate emphasis and techniques based on "best practice" supported by the research for effective methods and practices in ELL, ENL literacy instruction
  • Demonstrate researched supported methods of instructing for language and reading fluency with ENL students
  • Contrast and compare the various methods supported by research findings for organizing and differentiating instruction for ENL learners
  • Identify and state the "conditions of learning" in ENL literacy programs
  • Identify and discuss a variety of literature appropriate for learners with multicultural backgrounds
  • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to use literature to raise awareness and acceptance of multicultural groups within our society and schools
  • Identify and state the major issues with the concepts of quantitative and qualitative assessment of literacy achievement of ENL learners
  • Identify the "best practices" of literacy instruction and achievement for ENL programs
  • List multiple ways that technology aid in the development of literacy in ENL programs
Partner Universities

Our Partners are well-established regionally and nationally accredited colleges and universities, recognized for academic excellence and their commitment to teachers.

Important Information

Online 3-graduate credit courses are 13 weeks in length.

On-site weekend courses are held Friday evening from 6:00pm-9:00pm and Saturday/Sunday, 8:30am-5:30pm.

Weekday courses are Monday-Friday from 8:00am- 6:00pm.

It is the responsibility of the student to check with their state, county, district, or school to ensure that all requirements are being met by the course you're taking.  

Check the Partner Universities page for specific university information as well as course numbers which are specific to the university partner. 

Students are required to purchase their own textbook, the information for which can be found here. If no book is required it will be specified on the list. We have copies of many of the textbooks should you wish to purchase directly from TEI. 

Professional development (PD) participants receive a certificate of completion from TEI for 45 hours of PD credit for face to face classes and 60 hours of PD credit for online classes. These certificates are mailed within one week of the end of the class and reflect the course title, dates of attendance, and credit hour information. 

Student Academic Integrity
Participants guarantee that all academic class work is original. Any academic dishonesty or plagiarism (to take ideas, writings, etc. from another and offer them as one's own), is a violation of student academic behavior standards as outlined by our partnering colleges and universities and is subject to academic disciplinary action.