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Strategic Lesson Planning

This course is designed to assist teachers in public and private schools in creating more effective lesson plans for their students. These lesson plans address both the structure of the lesson and appropriate assessment tools and rubrics. Lesson plans are a teacher's self-created guide to content presentations that maximize mastery by the student, and can be optimized to create an environment for the most successful possible learning outcomes. This course combines current action research and applies it into skills teachers can actually use in their classrooms. Strategic Lesson Planning uniquely examines procedures to maximize student content retrieval. At the end of the course, participants will be able to create lesson plans that are both efficient and effective. 


Carlow University ED 666 • Madonna University EDU 5830.22 • Mercy University EDUT 543

The required text for this course is Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning, First Editionby Pooja K. Agarwal and Patrice M. Bain.

ISBN-13: 978-1119521846


Graduate participants earn 3 semester hours of graduate credit and will receive a transcript from one of our partner institutions below. Professional development participants will receive a certificate of completion for 45 hours of professional developments credit for face-to-face classes and 60 hours of professional development credit for online classes.

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Course Schedule

  • 2/11/25 - 5/13/25
  • 4/8/25 - 7/8/25
  • 6/10/25 - 9/9/25
  • 8/12/25 - 11/11/25
  • 10/14/25 - 1/13/26
  • 12/9/25 - 3/10/26

Course Schedule




Session/Module 1: Introduction and Overview, Direct Instruction: Modeling and Practice


  • Master the four phase process for maximizing instruction
  • Plan a direct instructional lesson
  • Utilize the command strategy

Session/Module 2: Inductive Instruction: Key Concept Identification


  • Teach identification & categorization
  • Determine methods of grouping
  • Plan an inductive learning lesson

Session/Module 3: Reading for Meaning: Ten Key Statements


  • Prepare focused guiding statements                                   
  • Support, preview, predict & identify strategies

Session/Module 4: Concept Attainment: Conceptual Clarity


  • Identify key concepts
  • Recognize critical attributes

Session/Module 5: Compare and Contrast: Four Organizers


  • Identify similarities and differences
  • Facilitate the use of Comparison Organizers

Session/Module 6: Reciprocal Learning: Peer Problem Solving


  • Initiate student pairing
  • Enhance learning through peer coaching

Session/Module 7: Decision Making: Questions, Dilemmas, and Situations


  • Enable informed decision making
  • Apply decisions
  • Organize ideas and testing conclusions

Session/Module 8: Task Rotation: Differentiated Presentations


  • Objectives: Identify dominant learning styles
  • Differentiate assessment
  • Rotate teaching styles

Session/Module 9: Creating the Lesson Plan: Selecting the Strategy


  • Engage multiple styles simultaneously
  • Build reflective skills through note taking
  • Increase meaningful discussions

Session/Module 10: Metaphorical Instruction: Self-Expressive Learning


  • Encourage making connections and comparisons
  • Stimulate reflection on past experience and knowledge
  • Optimize the introspective use of vocabulary
  • Improve comprehension through the use of similes and metaphors